1960 |
. |
. |
1966 |
. |
. |
15-Apr-60 |
Luna 1960A |
Attempted Lunar Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
31-Jan-66 |
Luna 9 |
Lunar Lander |
18-Apr-60 |
Luna 1960B |
Attempted Lunar Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
1-Mar-66 |
Cosmos 111 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter |
25-Sep-60 |
Pioneer P-30 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
31-Mar-66 |
Luna 10 |
Lunar Orbiter |
10-Oct-60 |
Marsnik 1 |
Attempted Mars Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
30-Apr-66 |
Luna 1966A |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
14-Oct-60 |
Marsnik 2 |
Attempted Mars Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
30-May-66 |
Surveyor 1 |
Lunar Lander |
15-Dec-60 |
Pioneer P-31 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
1-Jul-66 |
Explorer 33 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter |
1961 |
. |
. |
10-Aug-66 |
Lunar Orbiter 1 |
Lunar Orbiter |
4-Feb-61 |
Sputnik 7 |
Attempted Venus Impact |
24-Aug-66 |
Luna 11 |
Lunar Orbiter |
12-Feb-61 |
Venera 1 |
Venus Fly-by (Contact Lost) |
20-Sep-66 |
Surveyor 2 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
23-Aug-61 |
Ranger 1 |
Attempted Lunar Test Flight |
22-Oct-66 |
Luna 12 |
Lunar Orbiter |
18-Nov-61 |
Ranger 2 |
Attempted Lunar Test Flight |
6-Nov-66 |
Lunar Orbiter 2 |
Lunar Orbiter |
1962 |
. |
. |
21-Dec-66 |
Luna 13 |
Lunar Lander |
26-Jan-62 |
Ranger 3 |
Attempted Lunar Impact |
1967 |
. |
. |
23-Apr-62 |
Ranger 4 |
Lunar Impact |
4-Feb-67 |
Lunar Orbiter 3 |
Lunar Orbiter |
22-Jul-62 |
Mariner 1 |
Attempted Venus Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
17-Apr-67 |
Surveyor 3 |
Lunar Lander |
25-Aug-62 |
Sputnik 23 |
Attempted Venus Fly-by |
8-May-67 |
Lunar Orbiter 4 |
Lunar Orbiter |
27-Aug-62 |
Mariner 2 |
Venus Fly-by |
12-Jun-67 |
Venera 4 |
Venus Probe |
1-Sep-62 |
Sputnik 24 |
Attempted Venus Fly-by |
14-Jun-67 |
Mariner 5 |
Venus Fly-by |
12-Sep-62 |
Sputnik 25 |
Attempted Venus Fly-by |
17-Jun-67 |
Cosmos 167 |
Attempted Venus Probe |
18-Oct-62 |
Ranger 5 |
Attempted Lunar Impact |
14-Jul-67 |
Surveyor 4 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
24-Oct-62 |
Sputnik 29 |
Attempted Mars Fly-by |
19-Jul-67 |
Explorer 35 (IMP-E) |
Lunar Orbiter |
1-Nov-62 |
Mars 1 |
Mars Flyby (Contact Lost) |
1-Aug-67 |
Lunar Orbiter 5 |
Lunar Orbiter |
4-Nov-62 |
Sputnik 31 |
Attempted Mars Fly-by |
8-Sep-67 |
Surveyor 5 |
Lunar Lander |
1963 |
. |
. |
28-Sep-67 |
Zond 1967A |
Attempted Lunar Test Flight (Launch Failure) |
4-Jan-63 |
Sputnik 33 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
7-Nov-67 |
Surveyor 6 |
Lunar Lander |
2-Feb-63 |
Luna 1963B |
Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) |
22-Nov-67 |
Zond 1967B |
Attempted Lunar Test Flight (Launch Failure) |
2-Apr-63 |
Luna 4 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
1968 |
. |
. |
11-Nov-63 |
Cosmos 21 |
Attempted Venera Test Flight |
7-Jan-68 |
Surveyor 7 |
Lunar Lander |
1964 |
. |
. |
7-Feb-68 |
Luna 1968A |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
30-Jan-64 |
Ranger 6 |
Lunar Impact (Cameras Failed) |
2-Mar-68 |
Zond 4 |
Test Flight |
19-Feb-64 |
Venera 1964A |
Attempted Venus Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
7-Apr-68 |
Luna 14 |
Lunar Orbiter |
1-Mar-64 |
Venera 1964B |
Attempted Venus Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
23-Apr-68 |
Zond 1968A |
Attempted Lunar Test Flight (Launch Failure) |
21-Mar-64 |
Luna 1964A |
Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) |
15-Sep-68 |
Zond 5 |
Lunar Fly-by and Return to Earth |
27-Mar-64 |
Cosmos 27 |
Attempted Venus Fly-by |
10-Nov-68 |
Zond 6 |
Lunar Fly-by and Return to Earth |
2-Apr-64 |
Zond 1 |
Venus Fly-by (Contact Lost) |
1969 |
. |
. |
20-Apr-64 |
Luna 1964B |
Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) |
5-Jan-69 |
Venera 5 |
Venus Probe |
4-Jun-64 |
Zond 1964A |
Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) |
10-Jan-69 |
Venera 6 |
Venus Probe |
28-Jul-64 |
Ranger 7 |
Lunar Impact |
20-Jan-69 |
Zond 1969A |
Attempted Lunar Fly-by and Return (Launch Failure) |
5-Nov-64 |
Mariner 3 |
Attempted Mars Fly-by |
19-Feb-69 |
Luna 1969A |
Attempted Lunar Rover (Launch Failure) |
28-Nov-64 |
Mariner 4 |
Mars Fly-by |
21-Feb-69 |
Zond L1S-1 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
30-Nov-64 |
Zond 2 |
Mars Fly-by (Contact Lost) |
25-Feb-69 |
Mariner 6 |
Mars Fly-by |
1965 |
. |
. |
27-Mar-69 |
Mariner 7 |
Mars Fly-by |
17-Feb-65 |
Ranger 8 |
Lunar Impact |
27-Mar-69 |
Mars 1969A |
Attempted Mars Lander (Launch Failure) |
12-Mar-65 |
Cosmos 60 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
2-Apr-69 |
Mars 1969B |
Attempted Mars Lander (Launch Failure) |
21-Mar-65 |
Ranger 9 |
Lunar Impact |
15-Apr-69 |
Luna 1969B |
Attempted Lunar Sample Return (Launch Failure) |
10-Apr-65 |
Luna 1965A |
Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) |
14-Jun-69 |
Luna 1969C |
Attempted Lunar Sample Return (Launch Failure) |
9-May-65 |
Luna 5 |
Lunar Impact (Attempted Soft Landing) |
3-Jul-69 |
Zond L1S-2 |
Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) |
8-Jun-65 |
Luna 6 |
Attempted Lunar Lander |
13-Jul-69 |
Luna 15 |
Lunar Orbiter (Attempted Lunar Lander) |
18-Jul-65 |
Zond 3 |
Lunar Fly-by |
7-Aug-69 |
Zond 7 |
Lunar Fly-by and Return to Earth |
4-Oct-65 |
Luna 7 |
Lunar Impact (Attempted Soft Landing) |
23-Sep-69 |
Cosmos 300 |
Attempted Lunar Sample Return |
12-Nov-65 |
Venera 2 |
Venus Fly-by (Contact Lost) |
22-Oct-69 |
Cosmos 305 |
Attempted Lunar Sample Return |
16-Nov-65 |
Venera 3 |
Venus Lander (Contact Lost) |
23-Nov-65 |
Cosmos 96 |
Attempted Venus Lander |
23-Nov-65 |
Venera 1965A |
Attempted Venus Fly-by (Launch Failure) |
3-Dec-65 |
Luna 8 |
Lunar Impact (Attempted Soft Landing) |
Original Material Copyright SixtiesCity
Other individual owner copyrights may apply to Photographic Images |