Noonian Singh
Ricardo Montalban
Lt. Marla McGivers
Madlyn Rhue
Lt. Spinelli
Blaisdell Makee
Mark Towbin
Transporter Chief Kyle
John Winston
Enterprise investigates old-fashioned Morse code signals it has received
and finds that they are coming from an ancient vessel of the DY-100 class.
Despite the age of the ship, sensors indicate that some equipment is still
functioning and that there are faint life signs aboard. The ship is identified
as the 'Botany Bay', which would have been launched during Earth's Eugenic
Wars, but no details exist in the computer databanks.
Following McCoy's report that there are possibly sixty or more bodies
on board, Kirk beams aboard with McCoy, Scotty and a historian called
Marla McGivers where they discover that it is a 'sleeper' ship and its
crew are in suspended animation. Scotty brings the main power back online
and one of the sleepers start to wake. Despite an equipment failure the
sleeper is saved and the rest of the ship's inhabitants are taken on board
the Enterprise where 72 of the 84 'crew' prove capable of being revived.
Spock has become interested in the ship's purpose as it was launched during
a World War with nowhere to go and virtually no chance of survival. McCoy
advises Kirk that the first sleeper is genetically modified to be much
stronger and more intelligent than ordinary humans of the time. The man,
named Khan Noonien Singh, is given access to ship's engineering manuals
during his recovery but skilfully hides his true identity until Spock
discovers that he was one of a number of genetically engineered tyrants
who escaped justice after the Eugenics Wars and were never traced.
The rest of the genetically modified sleepers awake and, with the help
of Marla McGivers who has become infatuated with Khan, take over control
of the ship. It becomes increasingly obvious to Marla that Khan is not
as 'nice' as he pretends and when he threatens to kill Spock and Kirk
to force the rest of the crew to obey him she sees the error of her ways
and assists in plotting his defeat. Khan takes refuge in engineering and
sets the engines to overload. Kirk pursues him and manages to subdue him
in hand to hand combat despite Khan's superior strength.
Kirk holds a hearing aboard ship to lay charges against Khan and his people
but agrees to 'maroon' them on the harsh desert planet Ceti Alpha V to
give him and his followers the opportunity of creating a 'brave new world'
for themselves. Faced with the alternative of court martial for mutiny,
Marla McGivers opts to go with them. After transporting the last of them
down, Spock passes comment that it would be interesting to return in a
hundred years' time 'to see what springs from the seed' that Kirk has
n.b. They didn't have to wait that long as events in the second Star Trek
feature film 'Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan' have shown.
